Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thank you, Jaanu, and Happy Halloween!

Dear Babydoll,     

First, thank you, Jaanu, for sharing Heyyou's ultrasound picture with me... it was such a happy moment for me, jaanu... you really made me so happy... thank you so much baby... I love you so much...

And next...

Happy Halloween!!!  :) :)  

 Next year we will inshallah spend it together and give out candy to kids when they come to Trick-or-Treat at our door :) :) ...  we will be like those two pumpkins up above , next to each other and loving each other :) :)  

we can look at couple costumes and do something special like that together :) :)

we go together like peanut butter and jelly?

we are like one person  , you and me :) :)

or we can be superheroes together? :) :D

but hmm... I think I will pick this for you to wear for me ;) :D

hehe... then I will tell all the kiddies that we are not giving out candy anymore because I want to be alone with my sexy babydoll ;) :D  

it will be just you and me then...  my beautiful hot princess...

well, just you and me, but heyyou will be there too inshallahtallah :D

heyyou and heyyou's friend can both be superbabies hehehe :) :) :)

ok ok, if you don't like superbaby costumes, there are so many costumes for Heyyou

 so many costumes you can choose from, jaanu... for you, for me, for Heyyou... we will have lots of fun , babydoll... don't worry, time will go by fast and you will be here soon...

And look, Heyyou is copying us, babydoll... Heyyou is going and reading our old conversations and seeing how much Mama and Papa love each other :D :D :)

It makes Heyyou feel very happy and secure :)

 But most of all, I'm just missing you, babydoll...

I just want you to know that I'm going to be with you soon inshallahtallah... don't worry, baby :) :) :)

I'm always here for you...

 And I didn't forget, here are some Halloween flowers for my jaanu :) :) :)

 Along with a spooooky halloween breakfast!!! Yummm!!!

Love you, jaanu...

please have a good day and be happy... you are my everything.

muah muah muah

Your Omm

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