Friday, October 12, 2012

Sorry my baby's head hurts :( :( :( ...

Dear Jaanu....

Baby, I brought you some yummy breakfast and morning flowers today... I love you so much, jaanu... you are my everything... I wish I could be there with you all the time, but I'm working hard for you, me and our new family... I love you and I would do anything for you...


I'm sorry that your head is hurting today... If I was there, I would press your head, babydoll...
You are my princess and you will always be my princess... I love you...

I was missing you the whole drive back home today...

 But don't worry, jaanu, I'll be there soon to take you away, I promise... inshallahtallah, time will pass by quick and we will be together again  :) :) ... just you and me... and heyyou :)

And see... I will say hi to Heyyou in person too, so please tell him to relax and be nice to mama :) :) :)

And mama deserves more flowers because she is so sweet and wonderful, and is always caring so much for papa...  so heyyou and I will go to the store to get flowers for mama :) :) :)

Surprise , mama!!!! :) :) :)
Hehehe  :) :) :)

Jaanu... I'm really feeling it my heart how much I wish I could be with you... life is so much better when you are with me and when I am with you...but I know I have to work hard for us, jaanu...  I'll make our place here and will bring you here when things are ready and perfect for us...  don't worry , jaanu... allahpak is making our schedule this way to make it better for us... everything will be fine in time... and we will be happy forever and ever... just you and me... and heyyou and vo and tu and tum and ... ok ok, I will stop :) :) :)  

love you, babydoll... please be better soon and be happy...  or I will make you do a peek-a-boo ;) 

muah muah muah
:) :) :)

your Omm

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