Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't Worry, Babydoll

Dear Babydoll,

I love you...

I want you to relax and always be happy... don't worry so much about things... I know that when you get worried and have tensions, it gives you headache, baby... and I don't want that...

Everything in mom and dad's area is okay...
mom and dad live in the very small city of Elmira... it's the green star on this map picture...  you can also see where New York City is on the bottom right and on the top left area is Rochester, where Bbina is...

Elmira  is in Chemung County, which is the red spot on the map below... there are so many counties in New York State

 These are two articles from the local newspaper saying everything is fine...



 So baby, don't worry...

 Whenever there is a problem baby, we can always solve it... together. 

Just you and me :) :)

 It's a good roadmap , right?  

No need to worry so much :) :)

 So baby, just be happy... we have something to do, someone to love and something to hope for... so we are fine and things will be fine too :) :)

Just always think positive, relax and know that I love you...

And I'm missing you babydoll, so much...  all the time I spend with you, I miss... those are always such happy times... you make everything feel right.

Okay, it's time to give my jaanu her morning flowers!!!!


Wow, look at these beautiful flowers for my babydoll... they are beautiful, but NOT more beautiful than you!!!

 And ... uh oh.... look who is here and looking to cute...

It's heyyou!!!!

 I think that Heyyou has a surprise for mama!!!


 Heyyou has a nice yummy breakfast surprise for mama so mama can be strong and healthy!!! :) :) :D


See, such a happy breakfast for mama to make her happy...

Thanks, Heyyou!!!

And there are also happy pancakes... well, they started as happy ;) ;) :D

Muah muah muah...  then after breakfast, me and Heyyou will draw on all of mama's toes :) :) :D


hehehe...  I know, me and Heyyou are so batameez with mama ;) ;) :)

Jaanu, if you can, I want you to watch these comic book tv shows.  It's an animated show called X-men which was made a few years ago.  You already know that I love comic book characters and X-men is one of my favorite comic books.  They made this show and I want you to watch it if you can so you learn all the characters too :) :)
It'll be fun, baby.  That way, when I talk about stuff like that, you will know what character I'm talking about too :) :)   

 Thank you for always caring about me, baby... I just don't want you to worry about anything... everythign will be fine inshallahtallah and we'll be together soon :) :)

Just you and me :) :)

Love you, babydoll...

Your Om

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