Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eid Mubarak to My Beautiful Wife

Dear Jaanu,

Eid mubarak to you and Heyyou!!!  I wish I was there next to you this Eid, but I know that soon, we will spend all the Eids together, always :) :) :)   just you, me and heyyou!  

muah muah muah... but I am missing you today, jaanu...  

I remember that Eid day with you was the perfect day for us... it was such a romantic night and morning and day... I love you, babydoll...

Soon, you'll be in my arms again and we can go for walks outside like at the place above... just you and me...

 ... uff...

... jaanu... Heyyou's friends are bothering us...

one of Heyyou's friends is confused... he is confused about which day Eid is...  

he thought that since you had cake yesterday, that yesterday was Eid... 

... uff... who will explain to Heyyou's friend?

Oh good... here is one of Heyyou's other friends!!!

He is going to explain to the friend above that Eid is coming soon!!!  Thank you to Heyyou's friend!!!  :) :) :)

I'm happy that you liked the morning messages the other day about taking Heyyou for umrah someday, baby.
Heyyou is so excited that mama and papa want to take Heyyou for Umrah someday... 


Heyyou is already wanting to dress up for Umrah

:) :) :D    so cute, na?

Heyyou just wants to make mama happy...

And I want to make mama happy too... so here are some Eid flowers for the most beautiful mama and wife in the universe!!!!


 yayyyyyy!!! I'm so glad that I will get to hold you in a few weeks, baby... it's not so far, but I will still be missing you this Eid... I love you...

 This time, I would say that I want to put the mehndi on your hands myself! :) :) :)

 And we can both pick out our animal together ;) ;) :)
We will do that next year together, inshallahtallah

 And I would feed you yummy yummy things on Eid morning again...

because I love when my baby eats and her tummy gets full!

:D :D :)

I love you, jaanu...

Please be happy today and know that I love you so much, more than anything....
 ... we will be together soon, babydoll...

don't worry, be happy... muah muah muah...


Your Om


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