Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Babies

Dear Jaanu,

I'm missing you very much...  I feel very strongly inside that I want to just reach out and grab you... so I can hold you close...

I'm sorry I'm so far from you... I just want you to know that I love you more than anything... and I want you to be happy, baby.  Please no being sad and no more crying... I start panicking inside when I feel that you are upset... 

I'm sorry if I'm feeling more nervous about things, baby... when you tell me you are sad and when you ask me to come get you, I am starting to feel more anxious inside because I really want to just make you happy... 

inshallahtallah, the paperwork process will be fast and we will be together soon, baby...  and I promise to keep working hard for us, baby...

And see, even Heyyou is going to be a happy baby, just like you are MY happy baby :) :) :)

See, Heyyou knows papa loves mama and heyyou more than anything... so Heyyou knows that papa will be there soon to take mama away :) :) :)
And guess what, my babydoll deserves some flowers because she is SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL... the most beautiful princess babydoll in all the universe!!!!

My jaanu deserves every flower in the world... if I could get you all the flowers, I would... because I love you more than anything, baby...

How about some yummy breakfast with those flowers, jaanu?  Will that make my baby smile? :) :) :)

My baby is soooo beautiful, but she becomes even mooooore beautiful when she is laughing and smiling :) :) :)

See?  :) :) :D

And baby, see how fast our lives have changed in just one year... it's been just one year since we started talking online...  so much has changed... and see how fast everything went...

Remember when I saw you over a year ago, I kept always staring at you :) :) :) .... and I was accusing you of staring at me ;)

and inshallah, next year, things will be even better :) :) :)

... see, we are starting our family together... and we will be together... and everything will be nice and we'll be happy... just you and me... and heyyou ;) :) :)

I love you, babydoll... forever yours,
your hubby,

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