Monday, October 22, 2012

Yummy Yummy Yummy

Good morning my yummy yummy yummy princess!!!

How is my jaanu today?   muah muah muah....
Morning muahs for my babydoll, along with flowers because someone soooOOooOOOoooo beautiful deserves to have beautiful flowers all the time :) :)

There!  Beautiful flowers for my yummy yummy beautiful jaani!

And hmmmmm.... I think my baby is hungry, na?  How about some yummy cakes for breakfast?!!!
  I made them myself just for you!  But you can only have one or two ;)  :)

 And oooooh nooooo, look who showed up and started eating your cakes!!!!  

Heyyouuuuuu!!!! Butameez bachaaaa!!!

 He's so naughty, just like his peek-a-boo mama!

:) :) :D

Oooppps!!! Time for another kissssyyy!!!

Yummmmmmyyyyy - thank you, my babydoll...

I missing muah-ing my babydoll... love you so much, jaanu...

I'm waiting to hold you tight and give you lots of muahs....
I'll pick you up like that when we are out on the beach walking and hug you tight...  and then when we get back home...  we'll cuddle together and I'll hold you tight like this...

  mmmmm yummy!!!!   just you and me, baby... :) :)   ... i love you... and Heyyou can come later...

I want my baby to listen to this song today too, because I think it's a very romantic song and I want to share it with my babydoll...

 Just for you, jaanu... muah muah muah...

 Okay, okay.... some more muahs really quick for you and Heyyou!
Love you,

Your hubby that loves your yummy yummy tummy,



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