Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dear janu<3
 my sweetheart my most handsome caring hubby my brown sugar my world my every thing I love you!  soo much baby n can't see u like this n soo much stress. Plz b relax n don't worry abt anything jan INSHALLATLLH everything vll b fine oky. N plz always remember that I love you no matter wat ever u have wat ever u earn n wat ever u r. I ll just always love u more every day INSHALLATLLH :) n hey u also love papa always:)...
Well baby stop being emotional plz n time to b romantic :d as v r MA like always ;) yuuuuummmmmm ;) and the romantic thing is.........
     This is my dream..........
To spend my life making you 
As happy as I know how,
To see that smile:) of yours
Light up your face every single day.
To be beside you.
Loving you no matter what challenges
May come our way 
listening when you Want to talk,
Holding you in my arms in the quite moments.......and take a lot chances ;););) like I always do n run away b4 u started naughty stuff ;) hahaa well I roun this romantic poem hahahahaha wel u no baby I can't do romance quietly without any naughty stuff;););) hahahahaha after all I love to rape u:d:d:d. Well the most romantic thing in this poem is? This from the card which u send me on our (1velatins day) ( for my fiancée) :) n the romantic thing is I was reading all the cards kz I was missing u a lot n the very important thing I didn't copy paste it I type it:) 4 u :) c how sweet I'm just like Cheeni n how cute I'm more than ur hey u :o love you janu hope my MSG make u smile :) n that's all I want Muha Muha Muha kz I can't c u upset baby not even hey u :) hey u wants to c papa the most strongest person in the world kz he thought that papa is superman:) soo now u have to b superman 4 hey u n 4 me kz ur our superman but without that stupide red boxers ;) hahahahaha I'll designe something nice 4 u :) hahahah ......Muha Muha
Love janu ur wife beautiful only 4 u you Cheeni
I love you my brown sugar

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