Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Praying for My Babydoll


Hi Jaanu...  

I want you to get better and always stay health, so I want you to know that I am always praying for you jaanu...

You are my love, you are my life...  I always am thinking about you and see your face when I'm praying...

 Whenever I'm looking up at the evening or night sky... I look up and wish I was holding you tight and near you, jaanu... and inshallahtallah, I will be there with you soon... just you and me :) :)

I look and see the moon or stars, and it always reminds me of the distance between us right now, but I know that the distance will be gone soon, babydoll...

 I was thinking  about our first mini-moon, jaani... we had such a good experience during our first weeks of marriage when we went for Umrah... 

It feels like a nice dream sometimes when I think about it, but then I realize that it was real :) :)

it was just you and me... and it was perfect :) :)    - except when we had to sleep on different beds! 

hehe... ;) :)

 I always am thinking about you baby and my prayers are always asking for your good health and for you to stay happy... because I love you so much.... more than anything.

You are always in my duahs, always in my mind...

But wait... oh my....  what is this we see here?

Look!!!       It's  Heyyouuu!!!! Heyyou is trying to do namaaz too!!!

Heyyou is praying that mama and papa always stay health and happy!
Wow, mashallah - we have such a good bacha ;) :) :D

Love you, jaanu...

Heyyou wanted to be there with mama and papa when they went for Umrah, so he is asking mama and papa to go again soon inshallahtallah....
 Heyyou loves his mama so much, so he always wants to be with mama and papa whenever they go anywhere...

 Love you, jaanu...

Thank you for being the perfect wife and my soulmate...

And I didn't forget about breakfast for you, jaanu !!  Yummmmm!!!!!

Chai is there too, don't worry!  :) :) :)

I love you, babydoll... please stay happy and healthy... you are my everything.

Your Omm


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