Monday, October 8, 2012

My Wife is the Sweetest and Yummiest

To my yummy beautiful sweet and caring wife... I love you so much .

Thank you for always caring so much about me. When I don't hear your voice for a while, it makes me feel sad... when I hear you or see you, I feel strong again... you are my strength, you are my power.

See... our love is unbreakable :) :)

My babydoll deserves some flowers for being the best wife in all the universes :) :)

Heyyou agrees too :)

I'm just waiting for the day soon inshallahtallh when you and I will be together and I can hold you tight... I love you, jaanu... thank you for being my wife... thank you for loving me... thank youuuu for being soooo sweeeet and yummmyyyy!!!!

Muah muah muah!

Love you, jaanu  (and Heyyou) 

:) :) :)

Your loving hubby,


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