Friday, October 5, 2012

Heyyou! Peek-a-boo!

Good Morning, My Jaanu, My Babydoll,
And also Good Morning to My Heyyou ;) :) :)

I hope my jaanu is feeling better today!  I picked some yummy strawberries just for you and Heyyou!

YUMMMMM!!!!!!  :) :) :)

And look, see, Heyyou is hungry too, he is opening up his mouth for you to feed him!

 Ok, Heyyou, you need to stay quiet and stay home for a little while... mama and papa have some private business ;) ;)


I have to give my babydoll some flowers because I love her so much...  we'll go on a little trip together, jaanu, just you and me :) :)

And then we'll keep going on a romantic walk, where I'll give you some more flowers, and put them in your hair :) :)

Still just you and me :) :)

And we'll keep staying together, just you and me... and I'll get you more flowers... see, there is one red one, I wanted to get you from here... because there is only one special one, I wanted to give it to you, because there can only be one person as special and wonderful as you  :) :)

And then, we can go home and cuddle in bed... still just you and me :) :)

We will cuddle like this again soon, baby, inshallahtallah

Just you and me :) :)

But uh oh... it's morning time...

And guess who is awake...


Heyyou wants to get into bed with us and cuddle too!!!!!  Heyyou was missing mama and papa! 

:) :) :)

And uh oh, Suhana is getting jealous... awwwww...

Awwwww... she is cuddling with her teddy bear instead.

Mama, can you please come and play peek-a-book with her?

Please, mama?



:) :) :) Thank you, mama!!!

But hmmm...  Heyyou is confused...  

I think he needs mama to explain where she goes when she plays peek-a-boo  hehe 

:) :) :)

After all, it's mama's favorite game  hehe

Love you, jaanu...  please don't worry about anything and don't be upset... I'm sorry I'm not there... but I will be soon inshallahtallah.... then it will be just you and me :) :)  ... and Heyyou :)

Love you so much...  please try to be happy, babydoll...

muah muah muah...

your hubby,
your Ommm


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