Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Yummy Princess Babydoll

Dear Babydoll,

Good moooorning to youuuu and Heyyouuu!!!  

I made some yummy yummy breakfast for you and brought flowers as well!!!  But the food is not yummier than youuuu!!!

After breakfast, you and me can go for a romantic walk on the beach and see the sunrise... just you and me :) :) ...

Heyyou can stay at home ;) ;)  ;)     Papa and mama want to enjoy some time alone...

And of course, we'll find some flowers so I can put some in my baby's hair :) :)

But ppplllleeease be careful... I'm allergic to bee stings ;) :) !!!

And then, don't forget that I want something else too :) :)

Romantic dance with my babydoll and lots of MUAHs!!!

Yummmmmyyyyyy!!!  :) :D

And uh oh, it's time to go home.... Heyyou has a surprise for mama!!!!

Awwwww.... cute, na? :) :) :)     Just for his beautiful mama!

See baby, Heyyou loves mama and papa loves mama... everybody loves mama because she is the yummiest person in the world and all the universe...

I love you, jaanu...  more than anything...  missing you so much and inshallah we will be together soon... see, our paperwork will be done soon inshallah and I'll come get you and Heyyou, jaanu, ok? :) :) :)

Then it'll be just you and me... and heyyou ;) :) :)

Love you, babydoll,

Your hubby, Omm

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