Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Love For You Will Always Grow

Dear Jaanu,

I love you and I don't want you to worry about things.  I'm sorry that I'm being so tense all the time.  I don't want you to be worried about my work stuff, baby. 

It is a tough time right now, but everything will be fine soon inshallahtallah...  I know things will get better soon and we will have a lot of savings inshallahtallah... it will just take some time. 

I just want you to know that I love you and I will always love you more than anything... and I will always keep trying to make you happy...

I promise everything will be okay soon, baby... okay?   And we will go to all those places we wanted to go and do all the things we talked about... 

 And yesss, my baby will be getting lots and lots of flowers because you are so beautiful and wonderful
:) :)

I love you, jaanu...  here are some more for you that i'll put in your hair after we walk on the beach...

Love you, babydoll... more than anything...

muah muah muah

Your Om

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