Monday, October 15, 2012

Thank You for Being You, Thank You for Being the Most Amazing Person, Thank You for Being My Wife

My Dear Jaanu,

Thank you for being the best.  

The best person, the best wife, the best everything. 

I thank Allahpak everyday for giving you to me.  You are the greatest gift I ever could have been blessed with... I love you, jaanu...

And of course, my babydoll was in a good mood today, so I want to give her some flowers to say thank you for smiling for me :) :) :)

And see, I even gave you a balloon too!!! It's green, so you can give it to Kaboo to play with :D   !!!    You can even tell him that I'll give him extra one if he confesses that he is the one who did this to his mom's laptop:

just trying to make you laugh, babydoll...
 it really makes me happy when you are laughing and smiling...  that's all I want in my life... to make you happy :)   ... because I love you more than anything, jaanu... 

you are the only person in the world that has ever made me feel so loved... you are the only person I feel that my heart really belongs to... you and I are made for each other, jaanu... and together, we are making something else :) :) :) ... 

We are just two baby ElleeS,
 waiting for another baby Ellee :) :)   :)

oops, sorry - forgot to give my jaanu some yummy breakfast!
yummy, right? :) :) :)    Heyyou will like it too!!!

I love you, baby... thank you for being my butameez peekaboo babydoll... I miss you... you are my jaan... I'm waiting for the day to hold you tight again, but I want you to know that we have to be happy that we met each other and that everything happened so easily and so fast... mashallah... it's because allahpak knows that we are meant for each other, so he made it easy for us :) :) :)  ...

So please keep smiling and laughing, jaanu...

I love you...

muah muah muah

Your hubby,  your Omm 

When I'm trying to sleep, missing my jaanu at night
I think about her touch, and holding her tight,

My babydoll makes me laugh, with her peek-a-boo,
 And I tease and tang her a lot, but she laughs with me too,

My jaanu, my baby, is the most beautiful wife,
I won't ever look anywhere else, because she might be holding a knife,

She loves me and cares for me, I feel this so strong,
I know we are made for each other, and this can never be wrong,

All I want in this life, is for my baby to know,
how much I love her, and how far i would go,

She means everything to me, She is my dream come true,
I'm coming soon to hold her tight, and say to her,"I love you."

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