Monday, November 19, 2012

To My Soulmate... I Love You

Dear Jaanu,

You are my soulmate... you know that and I know that.

You were made for me, and I was made for you.
You  are everything to me and I am so happy that we found each other...

and soon , inshallahtallah, we will be together again...

We will wake up and be together in the morning hours...

 And be together again when the night comes...


You will always deserve flowers for being the best and most beautiful person in the world to me... 


 And you know I will always love you forever and ever...

Even Heyyou knows and believes we are soulmates... and Heyyou will find Heyyou's soulmate as well :) :) :D   and they will be just as crazy and loving as you and me...

 And we will all eat yummy breakfasts together!!!!  :D :D  



I love you, my babydoll...

Thank you for being my everything... I pray to Allahpak everyday to keep you happy and safe... and I also thank Allahpak for giving you to me... the best gift anyone could ever have...  I love you, my soulmate lovebird princess babydoll jaanu :) :)

Your soulmate forever,

Your Husband 

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