Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Missing You While Cleaning

Dear Jaanu,

I was missing you so much past few days while cleaning and fixing up our new home.

I am so excited for the day coming soon when you will be here and we can clean things together :) :)   Okay , I will clean and you can watch  hehehe

Just like this!
I love vacuuming for my babydoll :) :)

And we can have fun while doing laundry too... yummmm... laundry time is fun because ALL the clothes have to go to the machine!

And then we have to clean ourselves too!!!  It will be romantic brushing teeth with you, jaani... I love bothering you when you are brushing your teeth :D :D

 and look... Heyyou is trying to be an acha bacha and clean while mama and papa are locked in their room ;) :D

ok ok... now it's time for a yummy breakfast since we all worked so hard..

and after breakfast,

we will all go find you beautiful flowers, because you are the yummiest flower of all!!1

Love you, jaanu...

sorry for the shorter message today, but i hope you enjoyed yesterdays too :) :) :)

muah muah muah

your hubby,


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