Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Islamic New Year to My Princess Babydoll

 Helllooooo my babydoll...

Happy Islamic New Year, jaanu... to you and Heyyou :) :) :)

I love youuuuuuu....

I wish I was there with you today, baby...  but I know that all the new years from now on we will always inshallahtallah celebrate together :) :) :)

It will always be you and me, babydoll... :) :)

even if you are eating all the food, all I want is just you :) :) 

See, baby... our love is perfect... and we are perfect for each other...  it is true love...  and that's why it always be just you and me, jaanu...


and my jaanu deserves the best...

I promise I will always take you everywhere you always dreamed of going , jaanu...

like this kind of candlelight romantic dinner on a beach somewhere... just you and me...

and if my baby is feeling naughty, she will get some yummy kisses in the rain... whatever my baby wants , i'll give :) :)


 I just want to be with you, baby... and I just want you always... 

my beautiful yummy babydoll :D :D

 And of course, I will always do my best to get my babydoll beautiful flowers... none of them are more beautiful than you though ;) :) 

 just like this one on this lilypad...



Heyyou!!! What are you doing here?!!!

 Look at this batameez bacha...

Heyyou was trying to sneak up and surprise mama by hiding in this lilypad...


 And look, Heyyou quickly changed kaprey to try and distract mama....

 awwww....   Heyyou is batameez  , but still so cute :) :) :D

Ok, Heyyou... let's go make muffins for mama... she loves muffins, so we have to make them for her breakfast, with her hot hot hot chai!!!!

I love you, jaanu...

Please don't worry about anything... everything will be fine, baby...  

muah muah muah

Your hubby


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