Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Muah, Sexy Baby! Peek-a-Boo!

Hellooooo you hottie!!!

Muah muah muah!

 Good morning, babydoll! 

Are you ready to jump on me like that?  ;) :)  hehe

 just teasing, jaanu hehe

How about some cute Muahs like this instead? :) :D

thank youuuuu!!!!

I will also accept kisses that you blow over to me like this!

But I really love the ones where you are right next to me like this:

Because I love being near to my jaanu! :) :)

 Hey... where are you going?!!!

Come back!!!!

Uff :) :)

Fine, you can show me ... but don't run away when you show peek-a-boo ;) :)  


uff... because you did that when you were pregnant, now Heyyou thinks its okay to always do peek-a-boo to everyone... lol...

uff... such a batameez bacha again today... control Heyyou, baby!!!

... thank you.  hehe...

but seriously , jaanu...

missing you... everytime I look at the sun, I think of you...


you don't want me to start doing that, right?  

 ok ok, I'll stop now :) :)

you always make me laugh and smile,jaanu... and I miss giving you yummy muahs and  you making me laugh because of things like peek-a-boo...

Here are some flowers for the most beautiful wife in all the universe...  and no, no flowers can ever be more beautiful than you ;) :)

Because we love each other so much,  all three of  us (heyyou, you and me) will have a yummy breakfast together...

 ok... and after breakfast... heyyou will go to heyyou's bedroom...

and mama and papa will get some alone time ;) :D

just you and me...

ty baby... love you...

 And jaani, I found this website... I want us to look at it together all the time...  

It says right now, Heyyou is only this size :) :) :)

 Love you so much, jaanu...

muah muah muah

Your Om

 PS - I'm giving you this coupon again ;) :)


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