Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Muah !

Dear Jaanu,

I hope you are feeling better today.

I was missing you so much through the whole day and evening when I wasn't talking to you... 
I really wish you were here with me soon...

 I don't feel right without you...

I know that when you will be here, things will feel perfect and we'll be happy together inshallahtallah...
 Just holding your hands, being close to you... it all feels perfect babydoll...

you are my everything...

you make me smile, you make me laugh...

like today, you were making me smile and laugh about how you will be putting limitations on me for naughty stuff ;) :D   hehehe

Hopefully, you won't put divider in the bed like this couple!  :) :)


And hopefully it does not mean you will be planning "escape moves" like this couple!
hehehe  :) :)

Maybe I have to seduce you with some romantic breakfast... hmmm...  if I feed you too much, you will want to go lay down in bed  hehe 

:) :)

See... yummy food for my jaanu.... and chai!!! yummmmm!

And some romantic flowers of course!!!


And sorry, Heyyou is only going to interrupt for a minute! Heyyou wanted to give beautiful mama some lovely flowers - because Mama is the best mama in the whole world!

I love you, jaani...  really missing you so much...

inshallahtallah we will be together soon again... and then nothing will separate us ever...

love you, babydoll

your Om


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