Sunday, November 4, 2012

Get Well Baby... I Love You...

Dear Babydoll,

I love you.

I just finished praying for you, jaanu.

I was praying that my beautiful princess babydoll would get better soon... I'm sorry you have a headache and that your allergies are bothering you, jaanu :( :(

I just feel like giving you muahs to make you better... muah muah muah...

muah muah muah... just like that.

But I really was praying for you, babydoll...

whenever I am praying , I always thinking of your beautiful face in front of me...  you are my inspiration... you are my life... I love you...

I found this healing dua for you, baby... I'll recite this so inshallahtallah you will get better quick... 

And look, even Heyyou is praying for Mama because Heyyou loves Mama sooo much!!! What a good bacha!  Heyyou wants Mama's allergies and headache to finish today so Mama can play with Heyyou a lot! :) :) :)

And look what else Heyyou found for Mama... duas for Mama's good health... see how much Heyyou cares for Mama?

Jaanu, it really makes me feel worried inside whenever your nose is blocked and you are not feeling well... 

I feel this sadness in my heart when your head hurts... all I want is for you to be better again, jaanu...  I love you.

I wish I was next to you right now... I would just hold you tightly until you get better, baby...

I love you so much, baby... and I always knew I was going to have strong love for you... from the very first day I saw you, I knew you and I were going to have something special...

And from that first day to all our life and beyond all our life, baby... you and I will be together forever... just you and me...  :) :)

And even in old age, I'll keep trying to be naughty with you like this cartoon below!  hehe :) :)

And you will always be the most beautiful thing in the world to me, baby...

Like the cartoon below, you are more beautiful to me than any flower!

Speaking of flowers...

I think my babydoll deserves some :) :)

here you go, jaanu!  flowers for you!

 And how about we go for another walk by the water to give you some more!!!

yayyyy! :) :)

And after we get back from our walk, I'll give my jaanu a biiiiiiig breakfast of yummy things to help my jaanu get more energy to feel better!

I'll keep praying for you to get better fast, baby... I'm sorry I'm not there with you...  I will be soon, babydoll... I love you...

Please be happy and stay healthy, jaanu...

you are my life...

Love you,

Your Om


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