Thursday, November 29, 2012

Naughty Time! Muah Muah Muah!

 Hello My Naughty Princess,

:) :)   hehehe...

I love you my naughty babydoll... missing you so much...

when you are here with me, all you have to do is eat, sleep.... and be naughty!! hehehehe :) :D

 I'm sorry, but when you're sleeping, I might have to disturb you... don't worry, I won't crush you and Heyyou hehehe...  muah muah muah...

 And sorry... if I'm feeling batameez too, you might not get to sleep for a while ;) :)  hehehe...


Fine, baby... I'll do a nice little dance for you too... will that help?

 Okay, fine, I won't do any strip-dancing :) :)

...we can just cuddle together and hold each other tight first...

And while holding you tight, I can give you some yummy MUAHs everywhere...

 And I'll keep holding you tight and give you strong hugs :) :)

 Okay... bahoet hugs and kisses... time to be naughty now? ;) :o

  hehehe... sorry, jaanu..

 don't worry, I won't be like this guy... you are always number 1 to me... you are my everything...

love you, jaanu...

I'm not being batameez... I just love you so much and just want to be close to you...


All I want is to hold you tight and sleep next to you... holding you in my arms...

That is the happiest feeling, jaani...
  Even Heyyou enjoys that too, right?

 Heyyou will love waking up to see mama and papa there!

Even though mama and papa will have alone time, Heyyou will want to sometimes be with mama and papa in bed just like this...

... one happy family :) :) :)

 And then we can wake up and have a yummy breakfast together...

 And then maybe Heyyou can be distracted when I try to give you flowers so I can convince you to come back again to the bedroom ;) :) for some more Muah muah muah time  :D :D


love you , jaanu...

love you forever,

your naughty husband :D :) :)

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