Thursday, November 8, 2012

Missed Two Days of Morning Messages - Sorry, Baby

 Dear Jaanu,

I know you don't like me saying sorry all the time, babydoll, but I feel bad that I didn't send you the morning messages the past two days because of the internet problem.  I love you so much, jaanu, and I feel sad I am not there with you during this difficult time.  I will be there soon, I promise.

 Heyyou is sad too that mama didn't get morning messages, but I think Heyyou will be okay with it now that I sent them, right Heyyou?!   :) :) :)

 My babydoll deserves everything... all the happiness in the world... and I'll always be doing my best to do that... because I love you more than anything... here is a rose for my jaanu!

 And as compensation for not getting your morning messages, I will offer you this sweet coupon ;) :)

Of course, I'm not going to forget to give you your yummy breakfast in bed with flowers... muah muah muah... love you...

And look... because I'm behind on morning messages, Heyyou said I should take mama out for the day... Heyyou offered to handle the office for me while we go out :) :) ... what a nice bacha ;) :) :)  ... see, heyyou even dressed up for kaam!

 We better hurry before Heyyou decides something different!!!

Let's hurry and get to some flowers for you, baby!

 And yayyyyy, how about some more, babydoll?   yaayyyy!

 Hmmm... I don't want to get stung by a bee, jaani, let's go near the water :) :)

just you and me...

And I know my princess loves candlelight dinners... so I'll take you for one on the water, jaanu... just you and me... :) :)

 And after we are done, I'll write a secret message for you on the sand ;) ;)


 As a reward for the message, maybe you can give me a MUAH? !!!!

Yayyyyy! :) :D

And then I will lead you back to near our room... and I will hold you close... hold you tight... and give you a warm muah... hmmm... what is next?

Uh oh... looks like I found out my babydoll was feeling naughty... I tricked you into coming to the bedroom!!! :) :)  Looks like you are stuck now, jaanu!!!  yayyyyy

plan backfired... I forgot to clean the flower petals first... no naughty time :(

you hate the petals, so we have to clean them  hehehe  :) :)

after that... we'll see?  :) :D

 muah muah muah

love you so much, babydoll...

please stay healthy and happy... I'll inshallah be there soon to take you away...

love you,

your hubby


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