Friday, November 30, 2012

To My Beautiful Sweetheart


 To my beautiful princess sweetheart...

I love you more than anything... I wish I was there today to help you feel better and to take care of you...

it makes me miss you even more when you are not well because I get worried about your health and I keep feeling anxious because of that... 

If I was there, I would take care of you, jaanu...

I would give you flowers to make you happy...

And I would bring you candies to make your stomach more relaxed... we can eat them together ;) :)  just you and me...


 And I know Heyyou is bothering you today... but look, Heyyou dressed up so nicely for mama and is here to surprise mama with some flowers too...

   Okay, fine... mama is not interested in Heyyou's bakwas today :) :) :) ...

no problem... mama can do this to Heyyou! :) :) :o   hehehe

 ooops.... and since mama just wants to spend time with papa... this is what you can do after Heyyou is gone...  hehe...

but really, don't worry, jaanu... time is going by fast now...  I will be there soon with you... all the paperwork will be done soon inshallahtallah...  

then we can go on romantic things like this... just you and me...


 And we will be able to hold each other tightly, just like these two teddy bears...  :D :D

And we can celebrate how much we love each other over romantic dinners... just you and me...

Of course, my jaanu deserves yummy treats like this yummy cake...


And I understand if my jaanu wants to beat me sometimes if she is cranky ;) :D

It's okay, because I know you love me too , jaanu... 

Please feel better today, babydoll... I love you so much and it hurts me to see you in so much pain... I love you and will pray for you right now, jaanu...

muah muah muah

Your hubby


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Naughty Time! Muah Muah Muah!

 Hello My Naughty Princess,

:) :)   hehehe...

I love you my naughty babydoll... missing you so much...

when you are here with me, all you have to do is eat, sleep.... and be naughty!! hehehehe :) :D

 I'm sorry, but when you're sleeping, I might have to disturb you... don't worry, I won't crush you and Heyyou hehehe...  muah muah muah...

 And sorry... if I'm feeling batameez too, you might not get to sleep for a while ;) :)  hehehe...


Fine, baby... I'll do a nice little dance for you too... will that help?

 Okay, fine, I won't do any strip-dancing :) :)

...we can just cuddle together and hold each other tight first...

And while holding you tight, I can give you some yummy MUAHs everywhere...

 And I'll keep holding you tight and give you strong hugs :) :)

 Okay... bahoet hugs and kisses... time to be naughty now? ;) :o

  hehehe... sorry, jaanu..

 don't worry, I won't be like this guy... you are always number 1 to me... you are my everything...

love you, jaanu...

I'm not being batameez... I just love you so much and just want to be close to you...


All I want is to hold you tight and sleep next to you... holding you in my arms...

That is the happiest feeling, jaani...
  Even Heyyou enjoys that too, right?

 Heyyou will love waking up to see mama and papa there!

Even though mama and papa will have alone time, Heyyou will want to sometimes be with mama and papa in bed just like this...

... one happy family :) :) :)

 And then we can wake up and have a yummy breakfast together...

 And then maybe Heyyou can be distracted when I try to give you flowers so I can convince you to come back again to the bedroom ;) :) for some more Muah muah muah time  :D :D


love you , jaanu...

love you forever,

your naughty husband :D :) :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'll Be Holding You Soon, Jaanu

 Dear Jaanu,

I will be there soon to hold you in my arms tightly... missing you so much , jaani... I'm so glad we got that good news today that the paperwork was sent to Islamabad embassy... inshallah things will go really fast now, baby... so please be happy...

... and then you can wear cheetah print again for me!!! yayyyy!!!

 But I won't be sitting on laptop if you are wearing cheetah ;)  :D


But inshallah we'll be able to fall asleep together again soon and wake up together as well...  

I miss holding you tightly in bed, jaanu...

 And in the cold weather here, we will always be holding each other tightly too...

and we will go for walks outside and see the lights on the trees... it will be very fun and we will be happy, jaani...

 Everything about you always makes me happy , baby... and I feel like my life is empty without you... you are my everything , jaanu...

you are my happiness...

And look...
Heyyou wanted to help making breakfast today!!!

hehe... silly heyyou... trying to dress up like the egg... uff...

And UFF... batameez bacha... drinking mama's chai...

don't worry , jaanu, I'll make you fresh hot hot hot chai... and just you and me will drink it ;) :) :)

And of course, you deserve your flowers :) :) :)


I love you, jaanu...  missing your belly... and laying on your lap... you make me feel so at peace and relaxed...  I feel so lucky to have you in my life and as my wife.

 Love you, so much, jaanu... please keep smiling and be happy...  

Yours forever,

Your Hubby


Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy 6th Monthiversary to My Babydoll - Please do Yoga :) :) :)

Dear Beautiful Princess Wife,

I love you!  Happy 6th month anniversary!!!!

Let's celebrate with some yummy cupcakes!!!

 It's been 6 months, but I feel like I've known you forever, jaanu... that shows that you really are my soulmate and we are meant to be together forever...

And  I feel very lucky...  Do you know why I feel so lucky, baby?

I was the lucky one that got to meet you and I am the lucky one that gets to call you my wife :) :)

And look!  Heyyou is also celebrating Heyyou's 3 monthiversary!!!  Uff, Heyyou...  that is different celebration :) :) :)   Today is for mama and papa only!!! 

 Heyyou knows letters start with ABC and numbers start with 123, 

but what does LOVE start with?

 Awwwwww.... :) :) :D    So, cute, no?

 I love you, jaanu....  muah muah muah!!!

You always make me so happy...


 And noooooow.... I want you to try yoga exercises today...

baby, please try all these stretches...

they are good for you and you will start to feel better if you do these everyday, ok?

And these ones!

  See, baby, you can lay on your back and lift your leg like this...

There are so many poses you can do that can help with your blood pressure and circulation, like these...

While on the ground, you can lift your back up like this to stretch the muscles...

 Or even balance them like this on the bed or a ball like this...

 The two links up above are really good for reading about the yoga for you, jaanu...  I downloaded the youtube video that teaches the lesson... I will try to send that to u, ok?

then you can do stretches like this too!

 And look, even Heyyou is trying to stretch like mama!!!  Awww :) :) :D

Heyyou is just trying to help mama feel better by doing these stretches :) :) :)

 As a reward, Heyyou and I are giving mama these yummmmyyyy heart cookies!!!!


And of course, on such a special occasion, my babydoll deserves some beautiful roses...

 But no rose or any other flower can ever be as beautiful as you, jaanu...

I love you, babydoll...

happy 6th montiversary... 

you are my everything and I will be there with you soon...

your soulmate, your husband,
