Thursday, December 20, 2012

You are my Universe :) :) :)

 Dear Babydoll,

Muah muah muah...  here are beautiful flowers for my jaanu on a beautiful day.

Why don't we go for a nice beautiful walk together?  Just you and me!!!


 The sun on the water is not as beautiful as your beautiful eyes, jaanu.... muah!!!

And because my babydoll is soooo beautiful, I found some flowers for you and made a nice shape for you on the sand!

 I made a heart for my jaanu because my heart belongs to you!!!

muah muah muah

:) :)

 Love you, babydoll... I will be there soon... this is how we are together... love birds, flying high in the sky... just you and me...

I'll be there soon to hold you tight just like I always do!

And I'm really missing all the time we spend holding each other tightly...

and I'm so happy that the days are coming soon where we don't have to be apart ever again inshallahtallah...

See, just you and me under the blanket, jaanu... just like I promised!

I told you everything would work out fine and that by December we would be together again, didn't I?  :) :)   I always tell you to trust me and everything will be fine, jaani...

muah muah muah...

And look who will be trying to snuggle with us too!

Little Heyyou!!!

 Heyyou is trying to surprise mama and papa from under the blanket !  hehehe! 

:) :) :)

And don't worry, babydoll... once we wake up from our snuggling time, I'll always feed my jaanu yummy things!!!


Becaaaause, I love my jaanu more than anything in all of the universe!!!!

 You are my everything, babydoll...  I love you...

And I'll be there soon inshallahtallah :) :) :)

muah muah muah

Your OM



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