Sunday, December 23, 2012

Will Be in Your Arms Soon, Jaanu

 Dear Babydoll,

It's only a few more days and then guess what?!  I will be in your arms again and we will never have to let each other go!!!

I promise , babydoll... we will always be together... :) :)

 Even when we grow old, jaani... we will always be together... you and me... forever... :) :)

 You are all I ever want in life... to hold you, to love you...

 Really, baby... you are my everything...

 You are everything and the only thing I need to keep me happy, jaanu... you make my heart beat... you make me smile... I just worry about you so much, jaani, because you are so far away...  and I'm so happy that you will be near me now and forever...

because I love you so much, jaanu... :) :) ...

and look...

see who else loves you so much and is so happy to see you?!

 Heyyouuuuu!!! :) :D :)

Heyyou is so happy to see mama because she is the best and most caring mama in the whole world... plus, the most beautiful!!! :) :) :)

So Heyyou wants to make sure that mama has the yummiest breakfasts!!!!

Oh noooo!!!

Mama!!! Don't eat Heyyouuuuu!!!

Please!!! :) :) :)

Here, Heyyou will make some yummy pancakes instead, ok?! :) :) :)

 Thank you, mama, for not eating Heyyou!!! you are the best, mama!!!

So you deserve a big BIG hug from papa and Heyyou!!! :) :) :)

 And of course, so many many flowers!!!


Love you, jaani...

I'll be there soon.... missing you... muah muah muah...

your Hubby



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