Thursday, December 13, 2012

No Tensions, Please!

 Dear Babydoll,

Please don't have any tension or worry about anything...  

I promise, everything will be okay...

And I'll be there soon to protect you and hold you tight.

 You are my everything and my goal is to keep you happy and safe.

Everything is about you, jaanu...

so please, just relax and be happy... know that everything will be okay...

Please keep doing that darood that I sent you... it should be read when people are having tensions and are worried about a problem... then Allahpak will make everything ok.... ok? :) :) 

 I know I'm busy with kaam sometimes, but I'm always here for you... you can always reach me...

So please be alright, jaani...  just don't stress...

Here, how about some flowers for my beautiful princess to make you happy?

Or what about some yummy flower breakfast cupcakes?!  :) :)  Yummy, right?

 And look, Heyyou is not worried at all!!!!

See, Heyyou is happy and knows everything will be okay too... so don't worry, mama!!! 

"I'm fine, mama , just relax and don't be silly!"

 And see, Heyyou is such a good baby that Heyyou goes and tells Heyyou's friends to not worry too :) :) :D

 It's only a little bit more time , jaanu..

 Worrying doesn't help anything... only worry about problems that you can actually do something about...

It's not good for your health, babydoll...

just relax and be happy... everything is going to be okay.. I promise.

I love you, jaani...

Your Om


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