Sunday, December 16, 2012


 Dear Jaanu...

Today, I just want to say that I want you to be strong and know that Allahpak is with us...

It is almost time for us to be together and inshallahtallah everything will go smooth and fine with the interview...

I won't say too much today because I will be talking to you today to prepare you for the interview, but I just want you to know that I love you more than anything, jaani...

 It's late in the night and I just want you to know that I was praying for you to be safe and happy... and Heyyou too.. I know everything will be alright, jaani... just stay confident.

 Heyyou knows that things will be alright too!  See!  Heyyou is already ready to go for umrah after Heyyou can start walking!

 So cute, na?

Our heyyou is so cute.... but not cuter than you!!!!

Guess what?!

 Hehehe... I love you more than that, but my arms can't stretch enough to show you how much I love you...

I'll be there soon to put flowers in my jaanu's hair and hold you tight... 

 love you, baby...

please don't take tensions... it's not healthy for you... just relax and know I love you...

 just smile and say inshallah that everything will be fine... i know it will... inshallahtallah...

muah muah muah...

your om.

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