Surprise, jaanu!!!
I brought you a surprise breakfast in bed because I love you so much!
Oops, don't forget we have to brush our teeth first!!
And then we can hurry and JUMP back into bed!!! Yayyy!!!
And then after we eat, we can just cuddle for a while... just you and me...
we can watch something on tv... but I think no kapray are necessary ;) :D
And I'll bring more yummy stuff for you to eat! Because I know my jaani loves to eat yummy things!!
And of course, afterwards I will hold your tummy and try to tang you so more!! ;) :)
I'll stay home with you today, babydoll, if we can compromise on something... no?
And then you can jump on top of me and say, "okay! DEAL!"
And after some naughty time, we'll cuddle together again and be close to each other.. just you and me...
And we'll sleep together some more... just holding each other tight... like we're one person... my soulmate...
But then of course, you'll be like, "Ommm!!! Bas! Bahoet hogaya! Get up now!"
And I'll try to stay asleep! hehehe
But then look who was patiently waiting for us... Heyyou!!!
Heyyou knows that mama and papa need some alone time, so Heyyou was quietly and patiently waiting because Heyyou knows mama doesn't like to share papa! hehe :) :) :)
Awwww... but mama and papa can't resist, they want to play with Heyyou too!!!
Okay, we can go for a little walk with Heyyou in the field of flowers too because Heyyou wants to find flowers for mama!
And of course, I want to give flowers to my babydoll too,because I love you so much!
And then we will keep loving each other forever because we are one happy family... just you and me... and heyyou ;) :) :D
Love you, jaanu...
I promise I'll be there soon so we can stay together forever inshallahtallah...
missing you,
your Om
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