Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thinking of New Ways to Say I LOVE YOU


Dear Jaanu,

I love you...

 I am sittting here and thinking of something romantic and new I could say to you...

I don't want you to get tired of me saying the same things... so I sit here thinking some nights to try to come up with new ways to tell you how much I love you... I know that we are so far apart right now, so I don't want you to ever feel as if I'm not thinking about you... I don't want you to feel as if my love for you can ever fade...

 I love writing for you everyday and each time I write, I am desperately trying to come up with new ways to show you how much I love you...

I hope when you read these, you know how much I think of you and love you, jaani...

 And then maybe you can reward me with some nice MUAHs?! :) :)

I was thinking to say this, but I don't think talking about butts is nice when trying to talk about how much I love you :) :)  Unless we are talking about how much I like yours!!! ;) :)

 Really, jaanu...

I do love you more than anything...

and thank you for being my wife and letting me be your husband...

we have a magical relationship between us...

Perfect for each other in every way...

My soulmate... when we found each other, it was like we were the matching pair of shoes :) :)


 Allahpak brought us together and I promise to love you forever...


Because I know you will love me forever and ever no matter what...



 See... even HEyyou is embarassed of my jokes :) :) :D


ok, how about some beautiful flowers and chocolates to make it up to you? :) :) :D

 Forgive me now?  :) :) :D

Heyyou is still doing drama...

But you forgive me, I know :) :D :)

Thank youuuu!   muah muah muah...

I promise I'll keep coming up with new ways to show you how much I love you, jaani...

I love you more than anything, my babydoll...

muah muah muah...

Love forever,

Your hubby


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